Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Fluddy hell

19th October - 40 th Birthday party

Derbyshire wedding band Superfuzz performed at a fabulous 40 th birthday party for the lovely Sharon. We were greeted with horrendous rain at our Derbyshire venue . The field where our vehicles were parked was very boggy . Our Ford Transit just could nt get out and had to be abandoned with 5k worth of equipment in it ! We managed to get the cars off resulting in this hilarious shot of Martin .He cried like the girl he is !Tee hee .
Not the best way of spending my Sunday though, digging out the band van , don't worry lads it only took me 2 hours.

The lesson here is make sure in the event of rain all your suppliers can get off site . We play a lot of marquees so a standby tractor / plan of action needs to be in place .
Tatty bye !
ps have you noticed he is being harassed by a pink alien thing, hope it eats him !
derbyshire wedding bands