Friday 23 November 2012

Market research paper - What make us Brits dance ?

After many a beer drinking mission to Benidorm over the last few years, I have come to some rather interesting conclusions regarding the British taste in party music. Benidorm is full of us Brits on the lash and is full of live bands entertaining them. It is a pretty good barometer of public taste regarding parties / having a jolly good time. Let me take you there for enlightenment.

You probably think of Benidorm as the "Costa del Punch Up",  full of hen and stag dos ,and to a certain extent you would be right . But I think its smashing , because everyone is in such a good mood. Its cheap as chips, 1 euro a pint, breakfast for 3 euros and all the punch up merchants are so high on cheap wacky backy, they just want to give you a hug.

Anyway to the question in hand , what makes Brits bop and jump about
Well, firstly, everyone loves Elvis . The Benidorm Elvis tribute working out of the Rock n Roll bar is absolutely brilliant,the whole place rocks when he starts to sing and  wiggle his snake hips. I would totally recommend a bit of Elvis in ones setlist.
Elvis is timeless , his songs are so cool , people cannot resist bopping around to that rock n roll shuffle. (One thing puzzled me though , seemingly rational women would queue up to show him their bosoms , perhaps someone could enlighten me) ?

If you want a country vibe try the Western Saloon on the main strip.There you will find a duo playing everything from Jon Denver to the Killers . Tunes that hit the spot in this particular funnery are Human, Sex on Fire, Five hundred miles, Games people play and Country Roads . These generate a thronging, singing , songing , if you get my drift. Check these Cabeytu brothers , they are very popular in Benidorm  and have their set list finely tuned.


As you work your way down the strip ,you will undoubtedly happen upon the Carnaby St boys in one of the bars and you will note everyone is having a fantastic time. The jam , Small faces , Madness and Specials are all in their set and you will see that not only is everyone dancing , they also know all the words ! So one can surmise we can include a few 'Chicken dancing' mod songs into our wedding set with no fear of disappointment. Hoorah 

So then as we traverse further into the Benidorm heart we come across more and more disco bars playing  tub thumping Trance and Techno , which isn't really fodder for you average wedding band. But anyway I can summarise as follows , British people love
Elvis , Kings of Leon , Killers, Beatles , the Jam an al , John Denver and his Country Roads ,  The Proclaimers , the Monkeys , Chuckles Berry and to round things off a nicely, a bit of Bon Jovi ,by jovi , which you will be relieved to know ,pretty much sums up the Superfuzz setlist , check it out here . We ve got the bases covered and as you can tell is meticulously researched and is updated regularly  Think I might just have to pop off down there to do more investigation , strictly work of course .

Off to Priest House Castle Donnington on Sunday for a wedding .Last time we played there , someone left a tap running upstairs which soaked all our pa, nearly electrocuting the whole band . Think I will wear my rubber wellies just in case.Nice venue though.

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